Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29

Adrenaline 12u girls team had a big sleepover at Rachel's followed up with helping out in various ways at the Special Olympics Event in Byron, IL. The girls then enjoyed a swim party at Chloe's. Nice of the girls to help others...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Thank You Kris..

Thank you Kris for obtaining the window stickers, helmets and helmet numbers for the girls. Will be cool to see the team unity on the cars.


"Crazy Legs Court" focused at Bat...

2nd Place Champions! 7-20-08

Thanks to the Girls and Coaches for another fun weekend of great softball!

2nd Place Champions! 7-20-08

7-20-08, Sunday

Coming Back From Another Victory Walk...

7-20-08, Sunday

Our Committed Coach... :-)


Hannah's Game Face...

Sunday, 7-20-08

here it comes...

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Another Adrenaline V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!

Thanks to Leah's Dad for the Photographic Memories of 7-19-08 Adrenaline Play at Mean Machine Tournament

Now that is keeping your eye on the ball Leah! ;-)


Great Photo! Here comes the throw to first!


Here comes another Awesome Adrenaline Bunt... Courtesy of Leah...


Good Eye Bambino..

Saturday, 7/19/08

Looks like a hit coming for one of our Hefty Lefties Kathryn..


Good Eye Pudge..

Speed Racer At Bat...

June 19, 2008

Awesome Austin...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Note From 6/19,6/20 Tournament Director for this weekend at Don Schmid

"Tom here is the scheldule - saturday you will play 2 games one at 9:30 against tripleplay on diamond 2 and the second game against harvard at 11:00. on Sunday you will play 9:30 on dia. 2 against harvard and then you will triple play at 1:00 on dia.2 after that we will seed 1 and 2 winners against the 2 losers out of the 13/14 bracket for your fifth game at 2.30 the 2 best record in the 12/u will receive 1 and 2 place awards. please call me with any questions. thank you for your patience."